Royal College of Surgeons in Lincoln's Inn Fields -

5 Stone Buildings Seminars in Autumn 2015

We are delivering a series of 5 Stone Buildings early evening seminars throughout the Autumn. All of them will take place at the Royal College of Surgeons in Lincoln’s Inn Fields.

The first will be a seminar entitled “Beddoe Relief and Trustees’ Applications” on Tuesday 13th October 2015. It will provide an overview of recent English and offshore developments in trustees’ applications and their practical impact. Speakers will be Penelope Reed QC, Christopher Tidmarsh QC and Jordan Holland. The seminar will be chaired by Stephen Baker of Baker and Partners.

This will be followed by a seminar on Tuesday 17th November 2015 entitles “Applications under the Variation of Trusts Act”. This seminar will provide practical guidance on when and how to make applications to vary trusts and will have talks from Henry Legge QC, Leon Sartin and Thomas Entwistle.

On Tuesday 1st December 2015 there will be a seminar on “Unhappy Families : Trusts in the Family Division”. This will provide practical guidance to private client and family lawyers as to the width of the matrimonial jurisdiction.

The booking form with more details of all three seminars will be sent to all of those on our mailing list and is available to download here. If you have any questions about the seminars or would like to reserve your place at any of them please contact Annie Girling on 020 7421 7870 or email her on

If you would like to be added to the mailing list please send us an email here.