Judgment handed down in Thwaytes v Sothebys
Henry Legge QC appeared in Thwaytes v Sothebys [2015] EWHC 36 Ch, judgment in which was handed down in the High Court on Friday 17th January 2015. The case, which has had widespread news coverage, dealt with the issue of whether or not Sothebys were negligent in dealing with the sale of a painting which was subsequently attributed to Caravaggio.

Mrs Justice Rose, who heard the case, decided against the Claimant but complimented Henry on “the exemplary way in which this fascinating case was presented” by him at trial. Questions relating to any appeal have been adjourned over until after the sale at auction of a similar painting attributed to Caravaggio in New York at the end of January.
The picture in question is on display at the museum of the Order of St John in London. A copy of the image can be seen above.
Read the judgment here